Personal guests are allowed access to Tahoe Donner's private amenities.
Personal guests must be pre-registered by a Member if they will not be attending the amenity with a Member who holds a valid Member ID Card.
Personal Guest Rate - Private Amenities
Guests pay a $15 daily fee per guest.
The daily guest fee allows access to play at any of Tahoe Donner’s private amenities. We do not offer a monthly or annual guest rate. Private amenities include:
- The Tennis Center
- The Northwoods Pool
- Trout Creek Recreation Center
- The Beach Marina
Personal Guest Rate - Public Amenities
Some of our public amenities also provide a personal guest rate (as opposed to a standard, general public rate). You must be with a Member or pre-registered under a Member's account to receive the personal guest rate.
- The Downhill Ski Area
- The Cross Country Center
- Snowplay
- Golf
- Equestrian
View a map of our amenities.
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